We Make

OrganicHandmadeNaturalSustainable Jewelry.

and We Plant Trees...

We Make



and We Plant Trees...

The Best Seller:

Product information:

This wonderful bracelet is made from Corypha palm seed and hematite stone.
Corypha Palm Seed is known as an alternative to animal ivory. It is also called vegetable ivory and knows to bring calm and appeasement to the wearer. Hematite Stone has the particularity to help for blood circulation ……..
Available in 4 sizes. This bracelet is a one of a kind.


You plant 1 tree when you purchase this product!
We use a percentage of the profit made from the sales of this product to subvention reforestation action.

1 purchase = 1 tree planted.

Size & Prices informations:


Fits Kids and young teens with thin wrists.

$12 USD

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Fits younger people and woman with thin wrists.

$16 USD

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Fits teenage boys and the average woman.

$16 USD

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Usually, fits the average man.

$16 USD

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How it Works,

1 Purchase = 1 Tree Planted

A New HOME for Australian wildlife.

0 Acres

burned in the recent Australian wildfire.

Let's Re-plant

Visit Shop & Start plant trees

Big or Small, with Every Purchase Plant a TreeCreate JobsSustain the RainforestProtect Pachyderms !

Big or Small, with Every Purchase

Plant a TreeCreate JobsSustain the RainforestProtect Pachyderms


Unlike many other materials used in the production of jewelry, crafting palm seed jewelry is a labor-intensive process that generates employment opportunities in the Siem Reap region.

Sustaining the

Cambodia’s forests are under threat from illegal logging for wood and charcoal. We therefore aim to stimulate the creation of a new industry in rural areas that will provide local people with an alternative.


By providing an attractive alternative to animal ivory, we believe that with our ivory palm seed jewelry can contribute to wildlife and especially elephant conversation efforts.

How is Organic Palm Jewelry Made?

Unlike many other materials used in the production of jewelry, crafting designs out of palm seeds requires considerable skill, time and human effort. Each seed must go through multiple… Read More

Unlike other materials, crafting designs out of palm seeds requires considerable skill, time and human effort… Read More

See how is made

Ivory Palm Seed – ivory that grows on trees

Ivory palm seeds are a natural and sustainable alternative to animal ivory. With a remarkable resemblance to ivory in terms of color, texture and durability, ivory palm seeds are a truly sustainable gift of nature.

Organic and sustainable palm seed jewelry

More than 2,600 species of palm tree grow worldwide. Each variety produces seeds with distinct characteristics, shapes and colors – from mottled to ivory white. Only a few species of palm produce seeds suitable for jewelry making, but blended with the skills and expertise of the artisan these seeds are transformed into unique, beautiful and enduring designs.

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